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bürgergeld & weltschmerz: nachrichten [igel münchen]

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to top  EU-workers are not tolerated to settle down in Munich
06. March 2016

Speichern: [mp4 - 35.1 MB] -- Sparte: Videocast - UID: 20160106

Attached to transnational strikes against borders and precarization EU-migrants mainly from Bulgaria claim for their rights to settle down in Bavarias capital of Munich.

Local social welfare offices for homeless people [ZEW] discriminate EU-citizens coming to compensate the german shortage of labour. Recently internal decrees came into force distinguishing between homeless hailing from Munich and those coming from European neighbouring countries.

Munich's municipal adminstration does not even allow immigrant workers to register in town as a place of residence. Without registration they are suspended from regular shelters, social welfare and state health insurance. Without registration no legalized jobs, without income no money to pay a flat. That's how the municipality is blameable for more and more homelessness in Munich.

Appell multi-lingual: english - türk - български - românesc - deutsch - srpsko-hrvatski - magyar